
IReSH events Spring/Summer 2025
IReSH Network – 2025: Looking Ahead! We were delighted to see so many of you at our first IReSH session of 2025 in January! A huge thank you to Jaime Garcia-Iglesias for leading an insightful discussion on DoxyPEP implementation. His talk highlighted the importance of cross-community thinking and raised key questions about ensuring equitable access […]
IReSH Network – 2024 Round-up & thank you!
We’re currently working on our programme for Spring 2025 – please do watch this space in the New Year for details of upcoming meetings. In the meantime, we wanted to extend another huge thank you to all of our speakers at 2024 IRESH meetings and events (see list below) – we’re really appreciative of the […]

IReSH events Autumn/Winter 2023
We warmly invite you to our upcoming Autumn/Winter network 2023 meetings. Network meetings include a presentation followed by Q&A, and time for further discussion and networking. Meetings are open to anyone with an interest in SHBBV research in Scotland – please do save the following dates in your diary, and share with others who might […]

IRESH events in 2023
We warmly invite you to our Spring/Summer 2023 meetings, now with newly confirmed speakers. In light of industrial action, we have had to reschedule some of the previously announced dates, including the decision to cancel the February date entirely. The schedule for all upcoming IReSH meetings is as follows: Tues 14th March: Speaker: Marie Larsson (Lund University, […]

Monthly IReSH meetings (online)
After a quieter period in 2022, we are planning to restart monthly meetings for the (IReSH) Interdisciplinary Research in Sexual Health network in 2023. Meetings are open to anyone with an interest in sexual health research in Scotland. Please join us to discuss sexual health research happening across academic, policy and practice sectors, and to […]

Reflecting back on Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health Virtual and forward to 2022
As we head towards the end of 2021 we wanted to share some reflections on the Sex, Drugs and Scotland’s Health conference, and look ahead to plans for the Scottish Interdisciplinary Research in Sexual Health (IReSH) Network in 2022. We recognise that 2021 has continued to be a challenging year across the sector, including for […]

Discussion, collaboration & social justice: Looking forward to Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health
October is an exciting month for those working across the sector in sexual and reproductive health and blood borne viruses as it marks the start of the Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health Virtual Conference 2021, which will take place between the 19th October and 21st October. The conference is being co-hosted by us – the […]

Registration open for Sex, Drugs and Scotland’s Health Conference
IReSH, HIV Scotland, and our partners are delighted to announce that registrations for the Sex, Drugs and Scotland’s Health conference have now opened! Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health Virtual Conference: Get your ticket now! Click here for the full Conference Programme.

Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health Conference: Programme Launched
We are pleased to announce that the programme for the Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health virtual conference is now live! Running virtually from the 19th until the 21st of October, this cross-sector conference will ask the question ‘Where do we go next for Scotland’s Health?’ At its heart will be discussion and debate around sexual […]

IReSH calls for an intersectional and wholistic approach to revising the Healthcare Improvement Standards for Sexual Health
A working group comprised of members of the IReSH network operations group developed a response to the consultation on the Healthcare Improvement Scotland Standards for Sexual Health in July 2021. Given the cross-sector and interdisciplinary nature of IRESH, our aim was to avoid duplicating responses from clinical services and third sector organisations that have specific […]

Save the Date! 19-21 October: Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health
IReSH, HIV Scotland and our partners are delighted to announce that our Sex, Drugs and Scotland’s Health Conference will be held on 19-21 October 2021. Originally planned to take place in Dundee, our conference will take place online, providing our attendees with a virtual slice of the city! Where do we go next for sexual health in […]

Sharing abortion experiences online: how my research is being shaped by the global pandemic
I know that I am not the only researcher whose project has been impacted by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. But, in an unexpected twist, my research might become ultimately more relevant in the long run. You see, I am a PhD student looking into how women talk about their abortion experiences, and interact with the […]

Working together to understand condom and contraception use among young people in Scotland
We are now about half way through the CONUNDRUM project – a research study aiming to understand the social context shaping use and non-use of condoms and contraception for penetrative sex among young people in Scotland. Rather than rush headfirst into “collecting” data, we’ve spent the past six months working with young people and a […]

VIDEO: Keynote by Dr Peter Keogh (Apr 2019)
In April 2019, we ran our IReSH Spring Conference in Edinburgh, entitled Doing sexual health research in Scotland: collaboration, innovation & community participation? At this conference, we were pleased to feature a keynote lecture by Dr Peter Keogh, Lead for the Reproduction, Sexualities and Sexual Health Research Group at the Open University. Peter’s talk – […]

Supporting safe, self managed abortion during COVID-19
It was a relief to many last week when the Scottish Chief Medical Officer wrote to NHS Health Boards to advise that mifepristone can now legally be taken at home by women seeking early abortions. Mifepristone and misoprostol are the two drugs used in medical abortions in the first 10-12 weeks of pregnancy and, in […]

COVID-19 & Questions for SRHR & social justice research
As we all have had to dramatically change our professional and personal practices in the last few weeks – changes which will last for weeks, if not months or longer – what are the implications for cross-sector collaborative research in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and social justice? While our research may be […]

IReSH and COVID-19
The arrival of COVID-19 and the dramatic public health measures in Scotland that have been taken – and will need to continue for the foreseeable future – has meant that as a network, we have had to make some tough decisions. In light of the ongoing public health emergency, we announced a few weeks ago […]

Doing trans and non-binary sexual health research – George Burrows
I am an MRC funded Doctoral Researcher at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit (SPHSU), University of Glasgow. I have a background in biomedical science, adult nursing, sociology and research methods and have worked across NHS and third sector LGBT projects on sexual health, trans support and learning disabilities. In 2017, I completed […]

Welcome to the new IReSH website!
IReSH is a network that that brings researchers, health practitioners and community stakeholders together to collaborate on research in sexual health and blood borne viruses in Scotland. The network includes researchers, NHS clinicians and health promotion practitioners, policymakers, third sector organisations and community groups. Through our events and online presence, we aim to share our […]

Sex, Drugs and Scotland’s Health: Call for Submissions
IReSH and HIV Scotland are proud to announce that Sex, Drugs and Scotland’s Health – a national conference on Scotland’s Sexual Health and Wellbeing – will take place in Dundee on 3-5 June 2020. Where do we go next for sexual health in Scotland? Organised by a cross-sector partnership, this conference will be used to […]

What are IReSH Events?
One of the main aims of IReSH is to bring its members together to meet each other, share ideas and research, and to spark collaborations in relation to sexual health and BBV research. Over the past few years, we’ve run a number of different events to help make this happen.

Beyond 2020: Reflecting on Scotland’s SHBBV Framework
IReSH members Nicola Boydell and Sally Brown reflect on the Scottish Government’s meeting ‘Beyond 2020 – Refreshing Scotland’s Ambitions in relation to Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses’ held in Perth in July. What should the Scottish Government’s Sexual Health & Blood Borne Virus look like beyond its current 2020 remit? This was the subject […]

Making the Case for HIV Literacy
With developments in self-testing for HIV and STIs, the expansion of drugs used for prevention and treatment and an increase in apps and digital technologies, sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing is rapidly changing.

IReSH calls for an intersectional and wholistic approach to revising the Healthcare Improvement Standards for Sexual Health
A working group comprised of members of the IReSH network operations group developed a response to the consultation on the Healthcare Improvement Scotland Standards for Sexual Health in July 2021. Given the cross-sector and interdisciplinary nature of IRESH, our aim was to avoid duplicating responses from clinical services and third sector organisations that have specific […]

IReSH and COVID-19
The arrival of COVID-19 and the dramatic public health measures in Scotland that have been taken – and will need to continue for the foreseeable future – has meant that as a network, we have had to make some tough decisions. In light of the ongoing public health emergency, we announced a few weeks ago […]

Welcome to the new IReSH website!
IReSH is a network that that brings researchers, health practitioners and community stakeholders together to collaborate on research in sexual health and blood borne viruses in Scotland. The network includes researchers, NHS clinicians and health promotion practitioners, policymakers, third sector organisations and community groups. Through our events and online presence, we aim to share our […]

Sex, Drugs and Scotland’s Health: Call for Submissions
IReSH and HIV Scotland are proud to announce that Sex, Drugs and Scotland’s Health – a national conference on Scotland’s Sexual Health and Wellbeing – will take place in Dundee on 3-5 June 2020. Where do we go next for sexual health in Scotland? Organised by a cross-sector partnership, this conference will be used to […]

IReSH events Spring/Summer 2025
IReSH Network – 2025: Looking Ahead! We were delighted to see so many of you at our first IReSH session of 2025 in January! A huge thank you to Jaime Garcia-Iglesias for leading an insightful discussion on DoxyPEP implementation. His talk highlighted the importance of cross-community thinking and raised key questions about ensuring equitable access […]

IReSH events Autumn/Winter 2023
We warmly invite you to our upcoming Autumn/Winter network 2023 meetings. Network meetings include a presentation followed by Q&A, and time for further discussion and networking. Meetings are open to anyone with an interest in SHBBV research in Scotland – please do save the following dates in your diary, and share with others who might […]

IRESH events in 2023
We warmly invite you to our Spring/Summer 2023 meetings, now with newly confirmed speakers. In light of industrial action, we have had to reschedule some of the previously announced dates, including the decision to cancel the February date entirely. The schedule for all upcoming IReSH meetings is as follows: Tues 14th March: Speaker: Marie Larsson (Lund University, […]

Monthly IReSH meetings (online)
After a quieter period in 2022, we are planning to restart monthly meetings for the (IReSH) Interdisciplinary Research in Sexual Health network in 2023. Meetings are open to anyone with an interest in sexual health research in Scotland. Please join us to discuss sexual health research happening across academic, policy and practice sectors, and to […]

Registration open for Sex, Drugs and Scotland’s Health Conference
IReSH, HIV Scotland, and our partners are delighted to announce that registrations for the Sex, Drugs and Scotland’s Health conference have now opened! Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health Virtual Conference: Get your ticket now! Click here for the full Conference Programme.

Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health Conference: Programme Launched
We are pleased to announce that the programme for the Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health virtual conference is now live! Running virtually from the 19th until the 21st of October, this cross-sector conference will ask the question ‘Where do we go next for Scotland’s Health?’ At its heart will be discussion and debate around sexual […]

Save the Date! 19-21 October: Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health
IReSH, HIV Scotland and our partners are delighted to announce that our Sex, Drugs and Scotland’s Health Conference will be held on 19-21 October 2021. Originally planned to take place in Dundee, our conference will take place online, providing our attendees with a virtual slice of the city! Where do we go next for sexual health in […]

VIDEO: Keynote by Dr Peter Keogh (Apr 2019)
In April 2019, we ran our IReSH Spring Conference in Edinburgh, entitled Doing sexual health research in Scotland: collaboration, innovation & community participation? At this conference, we were pleased to feature a keynote lecture by Dr Peter Keogh, Lead for the Reproduction, Sexualities and Sexual Health Research Group at the Open University. Peter’s talk – […]

What are IReSH Events?
One of the main aims of IReSH is to bring its members together to meet each other, share ideas and research, and to spark collaborations in relation to sexual health and BBV research. Over the past few years, we’ve run a number of different events to help make this happen.
IReSH Network – 2024 Round-up & thank you!
We’re currently working on our programme for Spring 2025 – please do watch this space in the New Year for details of upcoming meetings. In the meantime, we wanted to extend another huge thank you to all of our speakers at 2024 IRESH meetings and events (see list below) – we’re really appreciative of the […]

Reflecting back on Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health Virtual and forward to 2022
As we head towards the end of 2021 we wanted to share some reflections on the Sex, Drugs and Scotland’s Health conference, and look ahead to plans for the Scottish Interdisciplinary Research in Sexual Health (IReSH) Network in 2022. We recognise that 2021 has continued to be a challenging year across the sector, including for […]

Discussion, collaboration & social justice: Looking forward to Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health
October is an exciting month for those working across the sector in sexual and reproductive health and blood borne viruses as it marks the start of the Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health Virtual Conference 2021, which will take place between the 19th October and 21st October. The conference is being co-hosted by us – the […]

Sharing abortion experiences online: how my research is being shaped by the global pandemic
I know that I am not the only researcher whose project has been impacted by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. But, in an unexpected twist, my research might become ultimately more relevant in the long run. You see, I am a PhD student looking into how women talk about their abortion experiences, and interact with the […]

Working together to understand condom and contraception use among young people in Scotland
We are now about half way through the CONUNDRUM project – a research study aiming to understand the social context shaping use and non-use of condoms and contraception for penetrative sex among young people in Scotland. Rather than rush headfirst into “collecting” data, we’ve spent the past six months working with young people and a […]

Supporting safe, self managed abortion during COVID-19
It was a relief to many last week when the Scottish Chief Medical Officer wrote to NHS Health Boards to advise that mifepristone can now legally be taken at home by women seeking early abortions. Mifepristone and misoprostol are the two drugs used in medical abortions in the first 10-12 weeks of pregnancy and, in […]

COVID-19 & Questions for SRHR & social justice research
As we all have had to dramatically change our professional and personal practices in the last few weeks – changes which will last for weeks, if not months or longer – what are the implications for cross-sector collaborative research in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and social justice? While our research may be […]

Doing trans and non-binary sexual health research – George Burrows
I am an MRC funded Doctoral Researcher at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit (SPHSU), University of Glasgow. I have a background in biomedical science, adult nursing, sociology and research methods and have worked across NHS and third sector LGBT projects on sexual health, trans support and learning disabilities. In 2017, I completed […]

Beyond 2020: Reflecting on Scotland’s SHBBV Framework
IReSH members Nicola Boydell and Sally Brown reflect on the Scottish Government’s meeting ‘Beyond 2020 – Refreshing Scotland’s Ambitions in relation to Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses’ held in Perth in July. What should the Scottish Government’s Sexual Health & Blood Borne Virus look like beyond its current 2020 remit? This was the subject […]

Making the Case for HIV Literacy
With developments in self-testing for HIV and STIs, the expansion of drugs used for prevention and treatment and an increase in apps and digital technologies, sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing is rapidly changing.